We’re celebrating 10 years of getting kids reading, from the first bookcase I made for my daughter in East London, 2004, to the zillions of bookcases loved by kids and parents all over the world today. We have all sorts of fun planned for the next few weeks to celebrate, starting with a fabulous 22% off all Tidy Books’ items for one week! (Expires 12th June 2014)
You’ll know that 10 years is a long time, but good memories stay sharp: Like the amazed reaction from my friends when they saw the first Tidy Books kids bookcase, and wanted one too. And, when a customer told me that their child had gone from ignoring books to sitting down and reading, just because he had a Tidy Books bookcase. It reminds me why I started Tidy Books. I couldn’t find a good kid’s bookcase for my daughter Adele, in the photo here with her baby brother, so I made the very first Tidy Books bookcase for them.
My daughter Adele and son Emile, the inspiration for Tidy Books!
I set up in business from my violin workshop with just £500 and a small ad in a parenting magazine. I had no business background, but my background as a violin maker has given me a certain way of doing things and another perspective, certain foundations and values: measure twice cut once, creativity, commitment and end products in mind. The response was phenomenal. I think I’ve struck a chord with parents and children!
This is the lorry in the top left delivering the first batch of Tidy Books Children’s Bookcases outside our house. The neighbours had a bit of trouble getting through with their cars that day! With no office, the only place I could store them was in our living room. As you can see they are stacked up to the roof!
You’ll probably have noticed that traditional bookcases don’t work well for your children or their books. Kids’ books come in lots of different shapes and sizes; they collapse when a child picks out a book, or are hard to find without an adult’s help. For a small child, that can make finding the book they wants really discouraging.
My daughter Adele with one of the very first promotional pictures for the bookcase
I’ve added new colours and designs to the Tidy Books range, all unique and created for children. And now they have lots of awards too.
I hope you have enjoyed finding out a little bit more of why I created Tidy Books and the journey from my violin workshop to the office I am sitting in now.
Thank you for all your support and here’s to another 10 fabulous years of getting kids reading!
To mark this celebration I would like to offer you a 22% off coupon on all items at Tidy Books for one week (expires 12th June 2104). Just click here to claim yours today!